
Sometimes when a tooth suffers significant damage, or risks damaging other teeth or your gums, it may need to be extracted, if other treatments are not possible..

We only attempt to extract a tooth as a last resort, this depends on the situation and also the extent of the damage. Sometimes there may be no other option but for a tooth or multiple teeth to be extracted.

Wisdom teeth, are the back four teeth in each corner of your mouth, and are usually the last of your teeth to grow. Wisdom teeth sometimes emerge through the gums at an angle due to the lack of space available in a person’s mouth. This may cause pain, swelling and/or infection and will need to be removed.

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

When removing a tooth, our normal procedure is to use a local anaesthetic - this will numb you mouth so that you will not feel any pain during treatment but will be awake. The duration of appointment will depend on the complexity of the extraction and will be advised prior to the start of the procedure.

It is possible for more than one tooth to be removed in each appointment and the dentist will advise you on the best strategy.

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